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  • Writer's pictureAndrea

Why don't you put yourself first?

Updated: Oct 8, 2019

What's your excuse? no time, Work, kids, stress, family, school, the list goes on... So many times we put everyone else before ourselves. We justify our reasons of why we cant put ourselves first. We tell ourselves so many excuses or reasons that we justify that its ok. Well WAKE UP!!! It's not ok! Let me ask you... If you don't put yourself first then what happens? What does that life look like for you?

Do you want to continue to lead a life this way? You live the majority of your life taking care of others, catering to others, saying YES to all things even if it is an inconvenience. Sounds beautiful but at what cost? What if you could say NO without having to feel like you have to explain yourself? What if you just took 15 minutes a day for you? If you could do one thing for 15 minutes for each day what would you do? Think about that for a moment . No, really think about it.. write it down, practice it!

It took me years to do this... To do something for myself. I am sharing because I know how it feels to not put yourself first. NOW IS YOUR TIME! How many times do we hear that we have to be ok to be better for those that need us! Although true, How about we say "I MUST BE OK WITH MYSELF FOR ME! YOU NEED YOU! Make a commitment to yourself to do more for yourself every day!

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