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  • Writer's pictureAndrea

Where you will be in 6 months from now? Grab a piece of paper and write it down....

For real! Grab a piece of paper and write it down! How many times have you said....I'll start working on my goals on Monday, after the holidays, after the birthday party, New years resolution and then here you are 30, 60, 90, 6 months later and nothing has changed. More time has went on and once again you feel like you let yourself down. You failed again. Then you start asking yourself... Why do you even start a diet, working out, you've tried so many times and you keep failing. You feel like nothing works. You feel like you tried everything!

Let me tell you I lived this life for so long! It was exhausting, I was so disappointed in myself, nothing fit me anymore, I didn't feel sexy at all. I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize who I became.

Leave a comment if you are in this position now or can relate?

I finally got to a breaking point when I had enough of my own bullshit. I know what I needed to do but I was terrified I wouldn't stick with it. I had personal trainers before, I had been in good shape before so I know I was capable but it was so much harder than ever before!

I needed it to be SIMPLE...NOT EASY...BUT SIMPLE. I didn't want to count points or have a strict diet telling me what I can and can't eat. I don't do well when someone tells me I cant do something! HAH! For me it was all about the MINDSET and laying it all out on the line. I now know that anyone could have given me an exercise to do but if I stayed with the same mindset I had I would never have been able to lose over 100 pounds. I am sharing some of these tools with you in hopes that it will help someone out there that needs it! Someone that has tried and failed but hasn't given up yet! I BELIEVE IN YOU! IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO DO THE SAME!!



FIRST DECIDE WHY!!! WHY do you want to do this? This is harder than you think. It never is the reason that you want more energy, or fit into a dress. That's just the tip of the iceberg. For example. My Why was to lose weight because I didn't feel worthy of love. I identified that I felt as though if I lost weight I would be good enough for someone. This stems going all the way back to my childhood. YES! Daddy issues and they were real! Ill get into that more later but you see where I am going with this. Our initial answer to our WHY is never it!

DECLARE YOUR GOALS. This will be scary at first. Once you declare be specific! Ask yourself are your goals Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and does it have a timeline? If you are on social media declare it on your page and let everyone know that you love and you know will support you. If you don't have a social platform then join us at Just a Mile A day on Facebook and WE WILL CHEER YOU ON!!!

VISUALIZE IT Write it on a post it, bathroom mirror, keep a journal, post it up in your car. Become obsessed with your goals and the FEELING of what it will feel like once you achieve each milestone of your goals!

CELEBRATE YOUR ACHIEVEMENT with appropriate rewards. I personally love to buy new accessories or clothing. Write down your reward of what it will be.

BE PATIENT AND KIND TO YOURSELF - Not everyday will be perfect and you don't need it to be. It's ok! One bad meal doesn't need to turn into one bad day or one bad week! Reset with the next meal! REMEMBER TO BREATHE! The weight wasn't gained overnight and you wont lose it overnight but one thing is for sure YOU CAN DO IT! I PROMISE YOU!

For more information email me here or reach out to me on

Facebook @Justamileaday

Also, We do offer Mindset training and you can sign up at

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