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  • Writer's pictureAndrea

What is the saying? Opinions are like...

well I think most of us know that saying..

so many opinions of how things should be handled, how they would have done it differently, it's wrong, it's right, I would never, I always... what I have learned is that is that no one really knows how they would handle a situation until they are in it. So quick to judge or assume rather than ask. Most of my life I have always cared what others think of me and most of the time said YES a lot. What I found is that when you say Yes to make others happy you start to lose a little bit of who you really are. Why is that a thing? Saying yes to others to make them happier rather than making yourself happy? Doesn't make much sense to me and it was a hard lesson I had to learn and in moments I still struggle with it. Bottom line Everyone wants to feel accepted and wants to belong, but again at what cost? Someone else's happiness shouldn't be at the cost of you and your beliefs of who you really are.

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